# 神经元是否有mark来代表簇号?有mark的话不提供给我每个GNCs的范围(即包含哪些神经元)也行,我就遍历一遍神经元再给GNC编号;
# 没有的话建议用GNCGraph这个类来存了以后传过来。
class OG_GNC:
def __init__(self):
self.Epop = [] # 数据结构暂定为List,内部放什么我不清楚, 这是种群记录项
self.NUM_Neuron = 0 # 神经元总数
self.Pop = 0
self.W = []
self.C = []
self.P = []
self.constrains = []
class GNC:
def __init__(self, N, Pop, W, C, P):
self.N = N # 神经元数量
self.Pop = Pop # Population个数
self.W = W # 权重矩阵
self.C = C # 连接矩阵
self.P = [] # (神经元状态|参数)作为tuples
def convert_oggnc_to_gnc(og_gnc):
# 从 OG_GNC 实例中读取相应的属性
N = og_gnc.NUM_Neuron
Pop = og_gnc.Pop
W = og_gnc.W
C = og_gnc.C
P = og_gnc.P
# 创建并返回一个新的 GNC 实例
return GNC(N, Pop, W, C, P)
class GNCList: # <- 不是很推荐用这个结构传给我!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
def __init__(self):
self.nodes = [] # Initializes an empty list to store nodes
def add_node(self, node):
self.nodes.append(node) # Adds a GNC node to the list
def get_node(self, index):
if index < len(self.nodes):
return self.nodes[index] # Returns the node at a specific index
return None # Returns None if index is out of range
class GNCGraph: # 邓景年想要的定簇步(Step3)的输入,也就是簇构成的图
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
self.matrix = [[0] * size for _ in range(size)] # 创建一个size x size的矩阵,初始化为0
self.nodes = [None] * size # 存储 GNC 实例的列表
def add_node(self, node, index):
if 0 <= index < self.size:
self.nodes[index] = node
def add_edge(self, from_index, to_index):
if 0 <= from_index < self.size and 0 <= to_index < self.size:
self.matrix[from_index][to_index] = 1 # 设置矩阵相应位置为1,表示存在边
def get_node(self, index):
if 0 <= index < self.size:
return self.nodes[index]
# Example Usage
# # 使用样例:
# # 创建图实例
# g = GNCGraph(3) # 假设有三个节点
# # 创建 GNC 实例
# gnc1 = GNC(N=100, Pop=10, W=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], C=[[1, 0], [0, 1]], P=[])
# gnc2 = GNC(N=150, Pop=15, W=[[0, 1], [1, 0]], C=[[0, 1], [1, 0]], P=[])
# gnc3 = GNC(N=200, Pop=20, W=[[1, 1], [1, 1]], C=[[1, 1], [1, 1]], P=[])
# # 添加节点到图中
# g.add_node(gnc1, 0)
# g.add_node(gnc2, 1)
# g.add_node(gnc3, 2)
# # 添加边
# g.add_edge(0, 1)
# g.add_edge(1, 2)
# g.add_edge(2, 0) # 创建一个环
# # 访问并打印一个节点
# node = g.get_node(1)
# if node:
# print("神经元数量:", node.N)
# print("Population个数:", node.Pop)
class SparseMatrixCSR:
def __init__(self):
self.row = []
self.col = []
self.value = []
def add_entries(self, cols, values, base_index):
def finalize(self):
self.row.append(len(self.value)) # 最后一个元素指向value数组的长度
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 庭頫这边打包的类的结构还没定,但是我的网页大致的构架有写,你看看还要什么数据!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 直接加到这个SharedClass文件里就行!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!